Burton Court Quilt Program

What a wonderful day!

We met in the dining room.  We set up our quilts across chairs at the front of the room.  If you look closely, you can see a dining table set up behind the quilts - look for the little green napkins peeking out!

Here we have all the quilts laid out and we are waiting for our audience.  

Here's a view of some of the men and women who came for the program.  They liked talking about the quilts!

Here CJ is describing the story behind this quilt.  

As the seniors left the room, we gave each of them a handmade pillowcase.  Thanks to Lynne for wrapping them all up and tying with bows!

We had so much fun, we are planning to take our new "quilt program" on the road to another assisted living center!  Stay tuned for more : ) 

Happy Quilting!