Tada! from CJ

My most recent tada in quilting & my sweetest baby, 1 month old. - CJ

More Quilts from Pam

Finished binding back in January.  Emily helped a lot with this one including paying Connie for the quilting. YES!!!  The front side is all Vandy and the back side is Delta Gamma (her sorority).  Just glad to get a few more pieces of cloth (t shirts included) out of the house.  My house gets lighter with each finished project. Haha

Finished this one in Feb 2012. Who's not to love this classic quilt. Wonder how many of these Carol and Connie have quilted?

Red, White, & Black from Pam

Most of my UfOs have been retreat quilts.  The other 'half' of this one went to St Jude's. This goes to Jennifer's sister-in-law who graduates from college tomorrow. She liked my first 'half' so I decided to make this 'half' for her. And my stash is a little smaller  YES!!!!!!!

1930's Modern Quilt by Nancy

Yes, this is another finished quilt!  The fabrics are the 1930's reproduction fabrics from the retreat swap last year.  It's hard to see from the pictures, but there is the 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 verse written on the outside edge sashing.  Overall, it's a very calm quilt for me!