Hugs & Kisses Quilt DONE!

I've been working on this quilt from scraps - so now I have less scraps and a finished object!  I also have more space in my sewing room for the visit to Whittles Fabrics when we go on retreat : )

I did this in the quilt-as-you-go method.  I really enjoyed the process & will do it again.

For information about the QAYG process, visit The Quilting Edge blog tutorials page

And here is the back - all pieced from scraps!

Happy Quilting from Nancy!

Retreat Quilt top from CJ

CJ was working on this last year at quilt retreat - so how many pieces was this?!

And the dog who claimed this quilt during the making : )

Congrats on a HUGE accomplishment!  As well as being a new grandma!

Sara's UFO #4

Here is a picture of my UFO #4 for this year. Nan gave me most of the blocks and I added my scraps to make more. She also gave me some strips which I used along with some of mine to make the piano key border. This quilt is going to the lodge and I decorated the mantle in matching colors. I can't wait to see them together. It is called "Nan's Spring Quilt". Yes, I know spring is almost over. I'm trying, lol!