UFO From Pam

The baby that 'belongs' to this quilt turned one year old about the time I finished, so it became a birthday present instead of a baby gift. A Pam special .... Making it up as I went along!

Sara's Been Busy Too!

I got this picture from Sara and all I know is it is FINISHED!  Perhaps she will comment about more details!  Thanks for sending it in.

Some Finished Birthday Placemats

Here are three pieced place mats I made this past week to celebrate the birthdays in our family this month. I don't know how this counts towards a UFO, it was just something I've been thinking about doing with scraps and here they are!  For the full story, go to my fiber blog at www.colorfibertexture.com.

Painless quilting tip!

I ran across a quilting tip today that is such a great idea for being so simple!

Wind 5 bobbins. Once you use all 5, change your sewing machine needle and clean out the lint around the bobbin area. Then wind 5 more bobbins and repeat : )

Now if I can only find a way to remember to change my rotary blade . . .