By popular demand

We were talking about Quilt Acronymns at our last meeting. I tracked down the list and here's a selection -- I'm sure we can come up with others! : )

BOM –Block Of the Month
DSM –Domestic Sewing Machine

EAR –Eat And Retreat
FART –Fabric Acquisition Road Trip
HHQ –Hope House Quilters
PIGS –Project(s) in Grocery Sacks
SEX –Stash Enhancing eXperience
TGIF –Thank Goodness It’s Finished
UFO –UnFinished Object

WIP –Work in Progress
WOMBAT –Waste of Material, Batting, And Time

Test Phone Upload

UFO Clarifications

We've been asked for a ruling: what if you just BOUGHT fabric for a quilt last year (or earlier) and never actually cut it out or started the quilt. Would THAT count as a UFO for 2012?

Answer: Yes.

Next question: What if you started TWO quilts, ended up disliking them both, and left them unfinished on the floor by your sewing machine for the dog to lay on. Would those two TOGETHER equal one UFO?

Answer: Don't be silly.

CJ's Quilt - FINISHED!

Yesterday at quilting, you could find CJ, Denise, & Nan all hand sewing the binding on this quilt.

In fact, here is a picture of them in action - taken by Margaret.

And here is the posed picture, with the "pretty side" showing.

Happy Quilting!

2012 UFO Challenge

It may be China’s Year of the Dragon, but the Hope House Quilters are claiming 2012 as the year of the UFO’s!

Here’s the challenge – complete at least 1 UFO (unfinished object) every 3 months.  A UFO is anything that you’ve started prior to 1/1/2012 and is collecting dust bunnies in your closet.  Here are the rules so far (which we’re making up as we go) – a double-size or bigger quilt counts as 2 UFO’s; a smaller quilt CAN count as 2 UFO’s if it has a pot-load of tiny pieces. (Ask Nan about how much fun tiny yellow triangle-squares are!) 

We’ll keep track of our progress on this site!  Be sure to post your finished UFO’s along with each one’s story, such as how long it sat, who the quilt is for, and how many not-nice words you said when you discovered you were missing the fabric for the border.

So take the 2012 Challenge and turn at least 4 UFO’s into TAH-DAHHHS this year!!

Sara's Thimbleberry Quilt

Ok - the challenge for 2012 is on!  The goal is to finish 4 (or more) quilts from UFO's that are tucked away taking up space in your quilt room.  Does this count as 1 for Sara?  Leave a comment to discuss!